Dune Dancer Tasting Notes

Flagship hazy IPA tasing notes

Dune Dancer Tasting Notes

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone is looking forward to a great year in 2025. I know we sure are! Lots more beer to be brewed and lessons to be learned.

For this post, I wanted to do a brief summary and tasting notes on Dune Dancer, our most recent brew. Firstly, know that neither one of us is a professional beer judge or anything like that. We just know what we like and we’ll try our best to be as objective as possible with our notes. Now, onto the content.

We were blown away with how good this one turned out - it’s SMOOTH. During the brew day, we were a little skeptical of how hazy it would eventually turn out to be due to the clarity of the wort going into the boil kettle. Post-ferment though, this thing is about as opaque as they get and it’s a beautiful golden yellow color. It’s got a gorgeous white head that sticks around for a while and leaves some nice lacing on the glass. Unfortunately, it’s got a slight smell of plastic due to the new beer lines in the kegerator😑oh well.. When we first were kegging this, I had taken a small sample to try prior to carbonating and the initial smell was like canned peaches with a slight floral note. It made my mouth water for sure. As for the taste, it’s got a really juicy fruit-forward hoppiness that rounds out with some slightly malty character. I personally love being able to taste the maltiness in an IPA instead of having my palate blown out by hops. This beer does have a nice balanced bitterness too and overall keeps me coming back for sip after sip. Mouth-feel-wise, this is soft and easy drinking with a slight astringency on the back-end that makes you want more.

Dune Dancer Hazy IPA

As for the recipe, if you’re interested leave a comment below! We used Anchovy and Galaxy hops for this brew and I think we’ll stick with it. We both really enjoy just how fruity and juicy this one turned out to be and plan on using them in more recipes to come!

Thank you for taking the time to read about our beer! If you’re interested in more content, please let us know. We plan on brewing fairly regularly and are working on a couple more ways to share our content.
